Week 8 Reading and Writing

As I look back at my reading notes, I realized that summarizing the story is the best way that helps me fully comprehend them. Some of the stories can be hard to read because they have an old type of language. I am still trying to absorb reading note strategies and understand reading like a writer, but for the previous weeks, the summary style has been the most useful to me.
For stories, I am pretty proud of myself. I feel like more ideas are popping into my head rather than having to sit and think for a long time on how to approach writing. I have never thought of myself as a creative, let alone a creative writer, so this class is somewhat challenging for me. I do feel like I am getting a lot better at it though. This class has challenged me and I feel like I can really relate to the growth mindset subject because I am putting my effort into each assignment and if I mess up (fail to be understood), then I take it with grace and try again.

I chose this image above because I am most proud of the story I wrote that it was paired with. It was my week 7 story and I feel like it was the easiest story for me to write and I had a lot of fun writing it. It was almost like a large stepping stone for me. 
I feel like there is enough reading and writing in this class, and I honestly really enjoy it. I am also grateful for the feedback from other students and from the professor!! It is a nice difference compared to all the science classes that I am taking right now. This class has definitely challenged me in a way I was not expecting. 


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