Week 10 Lab: Storybook Research
The first story in my story book is about how the Trojan War got started, but I am using the rival game OU and TX as Greece and Troy. It is not necessarily about football, but since Texas is OU's biggest rival, I thought it would modern and humorous.
Recap: Sam concocts a plan that leaves one of the Sooner cheerleaders in his hands. He uses her captivity as a way to get Lincoln Riley to throw the big rival game. Lincoln, and three OU football icons are trying to concoct some plan of their own to get the cheerleader back without having to lose the game.
STORY 2: The Battle (war itself)
The Trojan war was not over immediately even though Greece had a massive army attacking Troy.
- The OU football team had very large and fast players, but Texas (titans) were not going to give up easily so the score remained to be 0-0 in the first half. Jalen used his power of wittiness to try and outsmart the Titan players, but it did not seem to succeed because the Titans were prepared for this. Ceedee tried to out run the Titan players, but the Titans cut off all his routes and prevented him from getting by.
Achilles, the Greek Warrior challenged Hector, Troy's best warrior, to a dual. Achilles did end up beating Hector, but Troy still did not retreat and forfeit the war.
- Kenneth, being the strongest, challenged the Titans' best player to a lift off at half time. He beats him and the Titan is humiliated (rather than death being the ending of that).
Since the war did not end, the Greeks had to come up with some plan to trick the Trojans. That is when the Trojan horse was made...
- The game gets weather delayed because the tension between the players stirs up a massive storm, so the second half of the game is delayed until the next day. The Sooners plan was coming into action. They take the Sooner Schooner and paint it that ugly orange color. They make it look like a truce and sign of defeat, but instead, they are crouched inside waiting to grab Harlee and return to Sooner territory.
- Game resumed the next day and the Sooners pushed and pushed until winning. The Sooners got Harlee back and still defeated the Titans.
Sooner Schooner used to trick the Texas Titans
(decorated in Burnt Orange colors to deceive the Titans)
Story 2, the war itself
Story 3, Trojan Horse, aka Sooner Schooner
ReplyDeleteAs OU/TX is my favorite holiday of the year, I LOVE that you chose to do this lab. I think it is fun and easy to connect with, which makes doing research and writing even more enjoyable. All the connections you made and analogies are easy to follow, so great job seeing how the two scenarios fit together! Your writing is always so much fun to read and you do a great job making the readers feel something unique. Great work!
ReplyDeleteA lab that included the rich OU Tx tradition!? This sounds too good to be true. It's always great when you can find something that you truly love and enjoy doing. I have found that this always makes my work better. Even the most hard working people will see a boost in productivity if they are able to work that they truly enjoy. It's also impressive how you were able to connect the dots between these two. Good luck this semester!