Week 6 Lab: Advice to Writers
The first quote I found was "Writing is Not A Serious Business" by Ray Bradbury. He states that writing is supposed to be fun, enjoyable, and not overwhelming. When I read books and stories, the ones that I am most drawn too, are the ones that are put together so loosely and that are easy to visualize. I like letting my imagination wander a little. His quote can also pertain to writing stories. If you can celebrate and imagine wild, creative ideas, you are doing something right.
The next quote is a simple one and can be taken in my different ways; it is "Live Life." Chuck Wendig talks about doing things that you, yourself would not typically do and to embrace experiences. Take the small joyous things in life and find the details that make them unique to you. He encourages his readers to instead of writing about what they know, to write about their experiences and to change the perspective so that other readers can visualize and imagine what others have done in their life. Sharing experiences, can allow others to branch out and maybe want to experience things for themself.
The last quote that really stood out to me, was "Everything You Think is Worth Writing About." Emmanuel Carrere discusses that he will pull out a journal and write about his life or whatever comes to mind. The thing that really stood out to me, was that he said he tries to not censor himself because censoring yourself means you are "ashamed or afraid" of what others think of you. The good thing about having a personal journal, is that you do not have to show anyone what is in it. It can literally be just for you to look at. Writing things out on paper also acts as a release. If you are really stressed and frustrated, you can write it down and somehow it takes all the pressure off of you because it is out in the open without you having to tell anyone what is going on.
These quotes are centered around writing, but all of these quotes can be taken in other ways too. There were many more quotes that stood out to me, but these were my favorite.
The next quote is a simple one and can be taken in my different ways; it is "Live Life." Chuck Wendig talks about doing things that you, yourself would not typically do and to embrace experiences. Take the small joyous things in life and find the details that make them unique to you. He encourages his readers to instead of writing about what they know, to write about their experiences and to change the perspective so that other readers can visualize and imagine what others have done in their life. Sharing experiences, can allow others to branch out and maybe want to experience things for themself.
The last quote that really stood out to me, was "Everything You Think is Worth Writing About." Emmanuel Carrere discusses that he will pull out a journal and write about his life or whatever comes to mind. The thing that really stood out to me, was that he said he tries to not censor himself because censoring yourself means you are "ashamed or afraid" of what others think of you. The good thing about having a personal journal, is that you do not have to show anyone what is in it. It can literally be just for you to look at. Writing things out on paper also acts as a release. If you are really stressed and frustrated, you can write it down and somehow it takes all the pressure off of you because it is out in the open without you having to tell anyone what is going on.
These quotes are centered around writing, but all of these quotes can be taken in other ways too. There were many more quotes that stood out to me, but these were my favorite.
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