Reading Notes: Iliad Part B

Achilles returned to battle and swiftly arrived at the gates of Troy. Apollo, spoke to him and basically said that he had no chance and to give up, but Achilles was no quitter. He ignored Apollo's threat and pursued his journey to meet Hector. The fate was already set, Hector, would fall and Achilles would win this battle for the Greeks. 
Hector, on the other hand, awaited Achilles' arrival outside the gates. Hector's father and mother cried out to him to come within the gates because he would not be able to take on Achilles. It is crazy that Hector is Troy's biggest hope in winning the war, but is not match for Achilles' skill; even his family knew that he stood no chance. Hector was very brave and still awaited the arrival of Achilles. Hector also stated that, "It would be far better for me to stay here and meet the great Achilles, and either slay him, or, if it must be so, be slain by him." 
Hector had much conflict in his heart as he waited for Achilles and as soon as he saw him, Hector trembled with fear and fled, realizing that he wanted to save himself. Achilles continued to pursue Hector and they ran around and around. In the story, there was a brief time where Zeus and Athena looked down on the pursuit and Zeus considered defying odds and saving Hector's life from Achilles, but Athena said that the Gods would not approve because fate would be denied. 
The Gods doomed Hector's demise and Achilles won the one-on-one battle. 
Achilles did a cruel thing and dragged Hector's limp body back to the Greek ships, denying Troy and Andromache the opportunity to mourn the death of their great warrior. Andromache was so convinced that Hector was going to win the battle, the sight of Achilles dragging him off was too much for her to bear. 
The bravery of Hector was inspiring, but Achilles' pursuit was powerful because he was fighting for personal reasons, not just to kill an innocent being. Hector had slain many Greeks and even dear friends of Achilles. 
Achilles Dragging Hector's Body 
Around Troy from Wikimedia

Bibliography: Homer's Iliad: The Slaying of Hector (parts 1-3) retold by A.J. Church


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