Growth Mindset: Video
I watched the video: Carol Dweck: The Effect of Praise on Mindsets and it involved kids solving small block puzzles. The puzzles ranged from very easy to quite challenging. It was stated that kids that wanted to practice more of the easier puzzles were praised for their intelligence because they see that they are successful at the easy puzzles and do not want to feel "dumb" when trying to solve the harder puzzles. I immediately made the connection that that is what a "fixed mindset" is because they believed that their intelligence is innate and will not progress with further effort. However, the effort put in to solving challenging puzzles is what triggers a growth mindset and can open doors for expanding new knowledge. If you see challenges as an opportunity or use mistakes as motivation, you are valuing a growth mindset.
"No matter who you are, you can always be a great deal smarter." -Carol Dweck
"No matter who you are, you can always be a great deal smarter." -Carol Dweck
Growth Mindset Motivational Poster
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