Famous Last Words: Study, study, and study some more

This first month of school has been an interesting one. Being a junior, I am now in all upper division classes and they are all challenging in their own way. I really enjoy this class, but I never thought it would be so challenging to do creative writing. I have never thought of myself as a creative person in general, so maybe that is why the creative writing and storytelling assignments are harder for me than I thought.
I love science (I am a science major), but I have never been so intimidated by science classes. I feel very overwhelmed with all the studying and time I put into the classes I am taking right now. I want to be successful in these classes so studying hard is not hard for me to do, but my days seem so short because I spend countless hours in study rooms. On top of that, I am a cheerleader at the university and I am in a sorority, so the free time I once had is not really there anymore haha!
This class and my other classes require lots of hard work, but it is somewhat refreshing that this class is more of "fun hard work" and not stressful hard work. When I want to relax my mind from studying glycolysis or bicyclic molecules, I can turn to writing and then I feel less overwhelmed.
I hope that I can keep a strong work ethic throughout this whole semester and feel accomplished with all my classes. I hope I can find study habits that work for me and manage my time the best I can to help get me through my busy schedule.
I have always thought that I was good at managing time and planning out my days and weeks, but I could always use suggestions on how to be even more productive and efficient. Comment any suggestions you might have.
Busy Schedule from WriteHacked


  1. Hi Caitlin! I totally understand how you feel, or felt at this point. Last fall I took the other class, Indian Epics, and I was also taking Genetics and Microbiology so literally was in the same situation as you. I used to be stressed out all the time because of those two science classes and then these classes also require a lot of work. But they also serve as a great creative outlet. I remember when I would do work for this class, it was like a relief because I wouldn't be thinking about something that was science related. Hope you pull through and finish this semester strong in all of your classes!


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