Story Topic Brainstorm

In the third grade, I did this video project about the Greek Gods and Goddesses and I really enjoyed putting it together. I invested a lot of my interest in the topic into the project itself. I want to use stories about the Greek Gods and Goddesses when creating my story book. On one of my earlier blog posts, a comment was made about substituting football players for Gods and cheerleaders for Goddesses and I think that is a great idea. That idea would modernize the stories. There are many stories I would like to use, but Aphrodite and the Trojan War is one them. I know that Aphrodite is the Goddess of Love and Beauty and I know that the Trojan War was a very significant event in Greek Mythology. I want to retell the story in a way that all OU students will enjoy because it uses "icons" of the university as the characters. 
Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love and 

Another storybook idea that I found interesting was rewriting the popular fairy tales with some sort of twist in them. Most fairytales end with happy endings, and I do not want to end the stories with necessarily a sad ending, but a twist that most people will not expect. I know for a fact that most people know the tales of Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapuzel, etc., so I want to take those beloved stories and create a spin off of them. For example, if Cinderella does not get her prince to kiss her at midnight, she, herself would turn into the pumpkin rather than go back to the rags she once had. This idea is mostly about the story line twisting and not necessarily about character specifics. 

Sleeping Beauty by Kenneth R. Morefield (2014)

Everyone loves animals right? My next idea is to write about a day in the life of an animal, or pet, from their perspective. The reader will be put in the mind of an animal or pet as they go about their day. I think reading into an animal's brain will be interesting, but I think writing about what I think they think will be even more interesting. For example, most people think that dogs just think about toys, treats, sleeping, and pooping the whole day, but I want to create a world of adventure inside this animal's brain. 
Inside a dog's mind

The last idea came from a previous class storybook called Ghost Stories. I plan to take the mythological traditions at OU, like walking under the clocktower, kissing in the spoonholder, etc., and turn them into frightening fate. I know that if you walk under the clocktower you will not graduate in four years and I know that if you kiss someone in the spoonholder then you are fated to marry that person. I want to take those myths and twist them in a ghostly or freaky way. For example, I might take the spoonholder myth and instead of a fate of marriage, the two participants are fated to switch bodies and live as each other for the rest of their lives. 

The OU spoonholder on campus


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