Intro. to Assignments

Since this whole blogging thing is very new to me, the assignments seem somewhat overwhelming. I know for a fact that I will be able to do them, but getting used to the set up will be the difficult part. I have already learned a lot about blogging and this class, and all the detailed instructions are very helpful. There are numerous extra credit opportunities and I plan to take advantage of those to help me feel secure in this class. The growth mindset topic stands out to me because everyone works and learns in their own way, and I think it would be cool to research the different mindsets and see the statistics behind people's mindsets. 
The storytelling/storybook project will probably be the hardest project for me, personally. I am 100% a perfectionist and so I will want to get my story just right. I hope I can create an easy to follow and fun story for everyone to read.
Blogging meme from The Daily Moss


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